Silver user
252 Messages
Addressing charger issues
In recent times, a number of members have contacted the NRMA about finding its electric vehicle chargers inoperative and requested an explanation.
The first NRMA electric vehicle chargers in the current network were rolled out in 2018. These original chargers utilised first-generation Tritium products and over time a number of sites saw greatly-increased usage, resulting in the chargers failing. The repairs to these chargers were also delayed due to parts shortages in the market locally and globally.
The NRMA currently has 70 fast charging sites across NSW, plus one in Victoria and two in South Australia, and plans to triple the number of charging sites around Australia.
To ensure the reliability of this expanding network, the NRMA is implementing the following measures:
· Swapping out older charger models with newer ones at high-usage sites
· Purchasing spare parts and spare charger units for use in the field as needed
· Diversifying the brands of charger used in the network and purchasing a commensurate number of spares
· Identifying sites where more charging plugs can be introduced to provide an alternate charge point on site should one be inoperative.
We know there's always room for improvement and we are working hard to solve challenges now to ensure greater reliability of our network.
EV community admin
Bronze user
74 Messages
2 years ago
It's great to see that the Tanunda SA site has had its very unreliable charger swapped for a new one. Hooray! Hopefully this makes a big difference.